IX850S STM8 chip update (by St-link tool)

IX850S STM8 chip update (by St-link tool)



1. PC Software

Please make sure your PC has installed below software before start.

2. STM8 firmware

Please download following firmware “embOS_STM8L_IX-850_20211217_v10_al_1_4.hex”  to your PC.


How to update?

  1. Connect device with ST-Link as below:

  2. Install “sttoolset_pack32.exe”, and after install, click “ST Visual Programmer” in “Start” -> “ST toolset” to run the software “ST Visual Programmer”

  3. Click “Configure ST Visual Programmer” as below. (if you are run this software first time, jump to step 4.)

  4. with following window, select “ST-LINK”, “USB”, “SWIM” and “STM8L15xC8”, and click “OK”.

  5. At the main menu, click on open to and located the firmware file:

  6. On “Files of type:” select “All Files(*.*)”, and locate and select “embOS_STM8L_IX-850_20211217_v10_al_1_4.hex” 


  7. After all files loaded, click “Program current tab or active sector” as below:


  8. After a while when you see below message, the update is finish:

Note: If fail to update with poping up “Cannot communicate with the tool…”, it maybe because of power from USB is not strong enough. Please try to use a CAT5 cable to link IX850 to PoE switch to get the power. Then close this PC software, reopen the firmware and restart the update (For some extreme case, you need to unplug the cable, close and reopen software, try for 2-3 times)


For more details, please watch the video by this link: https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApVgqTKy9CI-h202KEMuW8iUfe72?e=Hxtgxj

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