IX471S-Test guide


1. Devices list:

  • New Monitor: IX471S*1pcs, firmware version: V1.0.0.2109271531-01

  • Updated DS: IX850*1pcs , firmware version: V2.0.0.2109261415-10

  • Old Monitor:    IX471*1pcs ( If there is a need for comparison)

  • IP camera: 1~3pcs, standard, onvif, video ecoding H264 or H265

  • PoE Switch: 1~2pcs, standard/// 1pcs PC7(without DPS)

  • Mobile phone: with VDP connect application

  • Cables: Cat5 cables some

  • Others: if interesting( not necessary ) :

    • Mesh Router

    • Primary and secondary Router

    • WiFi Powerline adaptor

    • AC and AP


2. Firmware update:



  • Online update


Scenario 1 : Wireless connection in villa application

In this scenario, users can use WiFi for connection and divert.

  • To test all features, we recommend using the new IX850S as the door station to test

Pre-set before test

1. Call Nbr.

  • No need to set in IX850S

  • set the IX471S to (SS)1

2. WiFi Connection

  • Settings→Installer→IP Address

    (1) IX Net Mode: set to WLAN

(2) Wlan Setting→set the Wi-Fi Switch to ON

(3) connect the Wi-Fi by manual or search

  • double check the correct icon shown in main menu


3. Sip Connection

  • Manager→SIP config

(1) SIP enable: set to Enable

(2) SIP Network setting: set to WLAN

(3) Use Default

(4) Re register

  • double check the correct icon shown in main menu

  • Scan the QR code via VDP Connect APP with the latest version


4. Prest the IP camera

  • use computer to set DHCP and the parameters below

(if need static, then set the other devices with the same strategy)


5. Add the IP Cameras to the monitor

Add by search or Add by manual

  • Settings→Ext.Unit→WLAN IPC camera

(1) Add by search//or by manual

(2) chose

(3) input “user name” and “ password”

(4) Login

(5) Save

add the IP cameras one by one


6. set the PiP function as default

  • Settings→Installer→Onsite tools→”🔍”→start search

(1) choose the door station

(2) Parameter→Others→video proxy



  1. Call (PiP) , images switch by touch

  2. Talk and unlock

  3. monitor ( quad ), re-order the four images

  4. Video record ( in call, in monitor, in quad ) and play back

  5. shortcut setting

  6. divert ( set the Call scene to “ Divert call always” or “ Divert call if no answer”


Scenario 2 : Private home Wi-Fi & private IP camera

In this scenario, users can use their own WiFi but need cabled to the system.

  • IP Cameras in Home could use DHCP due to the router with DHCP function

  • if need to add common IP camera to door station for the building, need to do the static strategy setting for devices IX850S and IX471S, otherwise, need a DHCP router to such situation.

Pre-set before test

1. Call Nbr.

  • No need to set in IX850S

  • set the IX471S to (SS)1

2. WiFi Connection

  • Settings→Installer→IP Address

    (1) IX Net Mode: set to LAN

(2) Wlan Setting→set the Wi-Fi Switch to ON

(3) connect the Wi-Fi by manual or search

  • double check the correct icon shown in main menu


3. Sip Connection

  • Manager→SIP config

(1) SIP enable: set to Enable

(2) SIP Network setting: set to WLAN

(3) Use Default

(4) Re register

  • double check the correct icon shown in main menu

  • Scan the QR code via VDP Connect APP with the latest version


4. Prest the IP camera

  • for the private IP Cameras , use computer to set DHCP and the parameters below

(if need static, then set the other devices with the same strategy)

  • for the common IP Cameras, if without DHCP router connect, need set Static IP address first.

5. Add the IP Cameras to the monitor

Private IP cameras, ( in home)

  • Settings→Ext.Unit→WLAN IPC camera

(1) Add by search//or by manual

(2) chose

(3) input “user name” and “ password”

(4) Login

(5) Save

add the IP cameras one by one


Common IP cameras, ( in building) --if added

  • Settings→Ext.Unit→ IPC camera

(1) Add by search//or by manual

(2) chose

(3) input “user name” and “ password”

(4) Login

(5) Save

add the IP cameras one by one


6. set the PiP function as default

  • Settings→Installer→Onsite tools→”🔍”→start search

(1) choose the door station

(2) Parameter→Others→video proxy

only can set the common IP Cameras , not private IP camera


  1. Call (PiP) , images switch by touch

  2. Talk and unlock

  3. monitor ( quad ), re-order the four images

  4. Video record ( in call, in monitor, in quad ) and play back

  5. shortcut setting

  6. divert ( set the Call scene to “ Divert call always” or “ Divert call if no answer”


Scenario 3 : Hybrid Lan & Wlan connection

In this scenario, use wireless connect monitor to bus, and end user can chose use home network or common network.


Preset before the test

Preset similar as above two scenarios, something need pay attention as below:

1. in apartment 1

setting in monitor :

  • connect mode: Settings→Installer→IP Address→IX Net Mode: set to WLAN

  • connect the Wi-Fi : Settings→Installer→IP Address→Wlan Setting→set the Wi-Fi Switch to ON

    then connect the Wi-Fi by manual or search.

  • divert mode : Manager→SIP config→SIP Network setting: set to WLAN

connect IP camera

  • Settings→Ext.Unit→WLAN IPC cameraAdd by search//or by manual chose input “user name” and “ password” save


2. in apartment 2

setting in monitor :

  • connect mode: Settings→Installer→IP Address→IX Net Mode: set to WLAN

  • connect the Wi-Fi : Settings→Installer→IP Address→Wlan Setting→set the Wi-Fi Switch to ON

    then connect the Wi-Fi by manual or search.

  • divert mode : Manager→SIP config→SIP Network setting: set to LAN

connect IP camera

  • Settings→Ext.Unit→IPC cameraAdd by search//or by manual chose input “user name” and “ password” save


  1. Call (PiP) , images switch by touch

  2. Talk and unlock

  3. monitor ( quad ), re-order the four images

  4. Video record ( in call, in monitor, in quad ) and play back

  5. shortcut setting

  6. divert ( set the Call scene to “ Divert call always” or “ Divert call if no answer”