IX850S firmware udpate (by USB, autowriter)
IX850S firmware udpate (by USB, autowriter)
1. USB tool (could get from V-Tek)
2. Firmware package
Please download following firmware “IX850_AutoWriterV3.00.01_20220331185716.rar” to your PC.
How to update?
Wire as below: (DO NOT CONNECT to PC at FIRST).
Unzip “IX850_AutoWriterV3.00.01_20220331185716.rar” (MUST UNZIP) and run “AutoWriter.exe”.
When you see below window, “Plug USB and power-on to start programming” , now connect the USB wire to your PC (Don’t need to power up the unit.). After the USB connected, wait for seconds the device will be written automatically.
With below massage the write is finish.
For more details, please check the video by this link: https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApVgqTKy9CI-h2ygJZehbsjCHugU?e=Cd2pu8