DH821 Apartment Test Guide
Quick Test
Quick test for simple villa application
Test with one door station first, before connecting with more than 1DS you shall read
Door Station | Accessory | Monitor |
DH821 | PC7D/PC9 | TDH470/DH482 |
DH821 Configurations
Suggest test configuration and DIPs.
821DR + 821MK
821M4+ 821M4
821M8+ 821M8
821K8 + 821K8
DIP setting check
Before powering up, check the test configuration, and make sure the DIP address is in the right configuration.
Power up
Power up all devices.
Test Case 1 - Setup/Calling
1.1 Setup Monitor Address.
Change system type
Tap “Settings” → “Installer” → “Call_Nbr” → “System type”, and from DH-SS change to DH-APT
Set up monitor address by picking a room number
Tap “RM_Nbr”, and pick a room for the monitor.
1.2 Call to monitor
Call to monitor
Test Case 2 - Cards
DH821 main module will support the EM card reader.
Samples main module might not support EM cards but support the 821-DR module.
2.1 Add cards
On one of the monitors, tap “Settings” → “Card manager” → select door station.
The menu as below, and tap “UserCard Add” to add a card:
Add card in 2 ways:
Input card number
Tap the card on the DH821 main module card reader(latest sample EM card only) or 821-DR module(both EM and Mifare)
2.2 Test cards
Tap the cards just added to see if the card works
2.3 Delete cards
Delete by tapping cards/inputting card number
Test Case 3 - Lock setup
3.1 Remote configure
Remote configure DH821 lock(relay) output with below
On one of the monitors, tap “Settings” → “Installer” → “Onsite Tool” → tap the setting icon below the door station.
3.2 Remote configure lock/relay parameters
In the “Parameter” modify RL_1_MODE and RL_1_TIMER, and release the door lock once (by exit button or monitor unlock) to apply.
3.2 Connect to your lock to see if that works
Notice when using the door station’s internal power, the lock shall be 12Vdc <300mA.
Test Case 4 - App
4.1 Connect to WiFi
On monitor room 2 master, tap “Settings” → “Manager”, tap “Wi-Fi switch” to ON, and select the Wi-Fi name in the list, input the password, and connect.
4.2 Download the APP and scan the QR code
Search “VDP connect”
Use “VDP connect” to scan the QR code
Setup divert a call to APP
4.3 Make a call and test.
Call from the door station, and receive calls on the APP.
Test Case 5 - Manage Setting via DH821 only