PiP function(Picture in picture)

PiP function(Picture in picture)

in call mode to show two images at the same time from different video sources

What is PiP

If available IP cameras are added to the system, the user can choose to switch to view the IP camera's image without hanging up the call.

However, when switching to the IPC image, the image of door station is not displayed.

PiP solves this problem.

Picture-in-picture means that during a call, the image of IP camera can be switched at will without closing the image of door station.

when a video source is selected, the two images can be switched at will.

That is, if the customer needs it, there are always two images on the front end.

IP cameras are well added

How to use PiP

  • Make a call, there is a “icon bar” will show at the bottom.

  • Select the icon, the added IP camera icon and name will appear.

  • The user can select either one, and the incoming call interface will display a picture-in-picture.


In the picture-in-picture interface, click the small picture, the two images will swap, click again, swap again.

Quit the mode

In the picture-in-picture interface, click the icon to quit the mode and leave the image of door station only.


How to set PiP as default

The user can set a fixed IP CAMERA image to be displayed with the door station image once calling.

  • Settings→Installer→Onsite tools→”🔍”→start search

(1) choose the door station

(2) Parameter→Others→3rd page → video proxy

(3) Call video select→IPC, IPC agent→any of the IPC you want


Record in PiP

Auto record, the video is taken on the door station.

If the record is taken manually, only the video of main image is taken.

It means that if the IP camera is switched to the main screen, the manually record is the video of the camera.