Online update

Online update

In some cases, online update might require SD card for large storage rooms. Online updates require internet or a local update server.

Door station IX850

When door station in “Installer mode”, tap “Installer mode” -> “Settings” -> “Upgrade”.

Server: select an update server, usually is Server1[] unless there is a special notice.

Download code: for different customization door station has different code, for V-TEC English standard version, the code is 985000.

For customize monitor, please check with technical support for your update code

Tap “Check” to check if there is an available update, and tap “Install” to update, if tips with SD card requires, please insert a SD card.


Monitor IX471S / IX482 / IX470

On monitor, tap “Settings” -> “Installer” -> “Upgrade” -> input password (66666666 by default), to enter the upgrade page as below.

Server: select an update server, usually is Sever2 [] unless there is a special notice.

Download code: For V-TEC English standard version, as below.



Download code



Download code


Sever2 []






For customize monitor, please check with technical support for your update code

Tap “Check” to check if there is an available update, if Code info show up, then tap “Installing” to start the update.

[ Specially, after tap “installing”, if pop up “Please insert SD card”, that means the memory is full.

Please insert a SD card and retry. Or delete some videos on menu “Call record”, to free enough memory to download the Firmware. ]

It will take around 20 seconds to finish installation, then IX471S will reboot itself automatically.


Please check the video of online update as below.



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