Card and Password Configuration
1. DR modular ( Card Management )
Add the Master card
Prepare two cards with different card numbers for use.
1 . Press the A key for about 6S. When there is a beep sound, Led A lights up and flashes slowly. Do not release. After the second beep sound, Led B lights up and flashes quickly, and then releases.
2 . Swipe two cards in turn.
For the first time, M: a and the card number are displayed, indicating that the ADD card is added successfully.
Then, swipe the second card, M: d and the card number are displayed, indicating that the DELETE card is added successfully.
The Master card can only be replaced (adding a new Master card will replace the old one), and cannot be deleted
Add the User card
Add cards by room number
if there is no specify the room number to the cards, then the step 2 is no need in the above
the cards with the same ID code cannot be added repeatly.
Delete the user cards
Restore and Backup
Card backup: the system will automatically back up the data when the card setting status exits
Card Restore: Swipe the ADD master card to enter, and then swipe the DEL master card to restore. The second line of DR prompts: Restore. √ means successful.
If the card is deleted by mistake, the card can be recovered.
2. MK modular ( Password Management )
Change the second password of the two locks for the first time. Since it is the default blank, change the password and use # # new Pwd+new Pwd # directly.
By default, Lock1 (Pwd2) is modified for the first time, and Lock2 (Pwd2) is modified for the second input