Onsite Tool

Onsite Tool

Remote configure IX devices, Configure IX device via TFT monitor or IX850 door station


Onsite tool using for configure and check an IX device remotely on another IX monitor (connected with the same subnet)


Search devices in onsite tool

In order to configure an IX device, first step is to search devices.  Only monitor and IX850 has onsite tool. Check below

How to search devices

  1. Into onsite tool menu, check below steps

On monitor (IX471S/IX482/IX471(GL)): tap “Settings” -> “Onsite tool” -> “🔍


On door station IX850: in installer mode, tap “Installer mode” -> “Search online


2. Fill search scopes, for each scope as below:

BD_Nbr: input devices’ BD_Nbr. “0099” by default, “9999” means all BD_Nbr. Only devices with input BD_Nbr will be search

Device/Type: Select device type. *

Capacity/Maximum: maximum list length.

*Device type: IM: monitor, OS: outdoor station IX610, DS: door station IX850/821, GL: Guard unit IX471(GL)

3. Tap “search”, and display result list.


Search monitor with known Call_Nbr on IX850

Specially to search a monitor with known Call_Nbr, or select names from namelist, this could be only done with IX850.

While IX850 in “installer mode”, calling with input “Call_Nbr” or select namelist to call, IX850 display a call parsing menu instead of forward call directly as below, the parsing menu will show all relate monitors (master and slaves), the list is similar to search result list.

Search devices result

Example: Search Online menu of IX850 and IX471S

All online deivces in the same system will show up in order of “uptime”.

[Explanation] “IM 2 IX471S 02:51“ means:

  • “IM 2” is device type and abbreviated Device_Addr

  • “IX471S” is the name of device

  • ““ is device’s IP address

  • “02:51” is the uptime since power on, when more than 60 minutes, will show up as “X h Xm”.

Remote device manages

Choose device in search list to manage this device

  • Device/Device info: Read only table, device’s overview.

  • Call_Nbr: In this tab, setup “Call_Nbr” for the device.

  • Parameter: Change parameters for the device.

  • Upgrade: Upgrade device remotely, specially, in remote manage “SD card” as server in upgrade, SD card means the SD card in target device.

  • Reboot: reboot the device.

Appendix 1

Call_Nbr and IP address in onsite tool

Call_Nbr and IP address are basic settings for IX device.

Check and modify Call_Nbr

Check current Call_Nbr

In onsite tools, search, and locate target device, tap the device in the list.

In onsite configure menu, tap “Call_Nbr”.

The setting menu is “What you see is what you get”

Modify Call_Nbr

For different target device the menu will have different “Call_Nbr” settings. As below

Target device is DS (door station type, such as IX850/IX821), “BD_Nbr”, “DS_Nbr” could be changed.

Target device is IM (monitor type, such as IX471S/IX482), “Device_Addr (BD_Nbr +RM_Nbr)”, “MS_Nbr” could be changed.

Current OS is same as DS, GL is same as IM, which might change in the future.


Check and modify IP address

Check current IP address

In onsite tools, search and local target device, tap the device in the list.

In onsite configure menu, tap “Parameter” -> “Network settings

The setting menu is “What you see is what you get”

Modify IP settings

Change to “Static” if you need to change IP address.


Tap “IP policy” and select “Static”, and modify following IP settings

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