Commision a SS system(Standalone building)

Commision a SS system(Standalone building)

A demo for how to setup a SS system

This manual will show how to install below project, a demo as below:

4 rooms, room 1 and 2 has 2 monitors, room 3 and 4 has 1 monitor and 1 outdoor station.

2 door station.

1 IP camera.

Using Auto IP.

Planning project

Plan network

Planning all network related issues.

PoE switch selection

In this demo, there are at least 11 network devices (include IP camera), by using 2 x 8 ports PoE switch, in case of future update (add more device or as replace)


Wiring all cables, here we use Cat5 cable.

IP strategy selection and setup

Planning your IP strategy, here we use Auto-IP in this demo.  Keep as default.

IP camera settings

According to IP strategy, we will need to configure all IP cameras as requires. To apply to Auto IP, set IP camera’s IP address in subnet, as example, set the camera IP address:, mask:, sub-channel video code in H.264, Baseline, QVGA.

Plan Call_Nbr

Planning Call_Nbr, this relate to how you configure devices.

Call_Nbr selection

In this demo, the Call_Nbr will be RM_Nbr.

Call_Nbr arrange

Each room setup as below:

Room 1

RM_Nbr 0001

Room 2

RM_Nbr 0002

Room 3

RM_Nbr 0003

Room 4

RM_Nbr 0004

A plan as below:

Configure Project

Power on all devices

Before configure device, we will need to installed and power on all device.

Configure IP settings

In this demo, we are using DHCP/AUTO, which is default settings, skip.

Configure Call_Nbr

Door station

First door station

Configure door station, first door station keeps in default, if it is not new from box, set as follow,

In “Call_Nbr”, if BD_Nbr is not “-“, input “0099”, and DS number input “0001” as DS1.


Second door station

Configure door station, first door station keeps in default, if it is not new from box, set as follow,

In “Call_Nbr”, if BD_Nbr is not “- “, input “0099”, and DS_Nbr number input “0002” as DS2.


Room 1 first monitor

“Call_Nbr” set as “(SS)Standalone” and input RM_Nbr “0001”, MS_Nbr set in “01

Room 2 second monitor

“Call_Nbr” set as “(SS)Standalone” and input RM_Nbr “0001”, MS_Nbr set in “02

Room 2 monitor

“Call_Nbr” set as “(SS)Standalone” and input RM_Nbr “0002”, MS_Nbr set in “01

Room 3 monitor

“Call_Nbr” set as “(SS)Standalone” and input RM_Nbr “0003”, MS_Nbr set in “01

Room 4 monitor

“Call_Nbr” set as “(SS)Standalone” and input RM_Nbr “0004”, MS_Nbr set in “01

Outdoor station

Room 3 outdoor station

After setup room 3 monitor, on room 3 monitor, “Ext.Unit” tap “Bind OS door station”, and press room 3 outdoor station call button for 10s to bind.

Room 4 outdoor station

After setup room 4 monitor, on room 4 monitor, “Ext.Unit” tap “Bind OS door station”, and press room 3 outdoor station call button for 10s to bind.

Test with Project

Basic intercom function

Test with calling, monitoring, unlock doors.

Divert to APP

Test with APP to see if it works.

Maintain after installed

Add more device

Adding new monitor to room

set up “Call_Nbr” same as the monitor already exist in the room, and set different MS_Nbr.

Adding new outdoor station

Just run binding procedure once again, and binding a new outdoor station.

Adding new door station

Set DS_Nbr

Remove device

Simply uninstall device, noting needs to do with remove a device.

Replace device

In this demo, after replace device, settings as the first setup the devcies.

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