DH SS System Commissioning Steps
Commissioning Example (Villa)
Configure for system 2 DS and 2 Monitor for a villa as below
1. Configure door station address
In 2Easy DH system, there must be exactly one DS1. (not working without DS1)
By default door station is “DS1”
Skipped this step if has only 1 door station.
After powering on the DH622 to standby(the LED stops flash, nameplate, and key LED on),
press and hold button 1 for 3 seconds into the address setting.
Press button 1 again to switch between addresses 1 -8, after each press the talk LED flashes the times to indicate the address.
See the page about the DH622 address setup.
2. Configure monitor address via DH-Config
Default installer password “66666666”
On one of the monitors, tap “Settings” → “Installer” → ”Onsite tools“ → tap the “One Family” button to set all monitors for button 1.
See the page about Onsite tools in DH-SS.
3. Modify Lock Parameters
On one of the monitors, in the onsite tool menu, tap the “setting icon” below the door stations to set, tap “parameter” and modify the unlock time and mode by “RL1-Mode” and “RL1-Unlock time”
4. Add cards
On one of the monitors, tap the “setting” → “manager” → “manager cards”, to manage the cards. to add cards, could tap the card on the corresponding care reader or input the card ID.