

Call_Nbr, “Call Number”, a general name for multi parameters, which is used for calling, monitoring and addressing an IX device.

What is Call_Nbr

Call_Nbr is general name for calling relate numbers(strings), include below:

Device_Addr (Device Address, 10 digits, integer)

Device address is a combination of BD_Nbr (building number, 4 digits, integer), RM_Nbr (room number, 4 digits, integer) and MS_Nbr (master, slave number, 2 digits, integer)

Example: a monitor has Device_Addr as below:

0099 0002 (02)

·         First 4 digits is BD_Nbr, 0099, identify the monitor assign to building 0099.

·         Second 4 digits is RM_Nbr, 0002, identify the monitor assign to room 0002

·         Last 2 digits is MS_Nbr, identify multi devices in same room and building, 01 means Master, 02 ~ 32 means slave. Here is slave.

Specially BD_Nbr = 0000, means public area of all buildings, RM_Nbr = 0000 usually for door station and guard units which means it assign to server all users but not particularly room.


IX device’s name, which will be display in all other IX devices’ namelist or monitor list. This is a string type attribution.

In IX system, “Name” in namelist or monitor list is automatically synchronized.

Alias Number (Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr)

In most time you could call IX device with Device_Addr, RM_Nbr or Name, IX system offers extra alias number for calling. They are:

·         Global_Nbr (Global number)

Global_Nbr is an alias number when using universally in the system, mainly using for device calling form different building. Unlike Device_Addr, Global number could be integer or string. Such as “101” or “A2”

·         Local_Nbr (Local number)

Local_Nbr is an alias number when using internally inside building, mainly using for device with same BD_Nbr calling. Same as Global_Nbr, could be integer or string.

IX device’s Call_Nbr

Below are IX devices’ Call_Nbr setting menu:

Monitor (IX471S/IX47/IX482)

Tap “Settings” -> “Installer” -> “Call_Nbr”,

Door Station IX850

When IX850 in installer mode, tap “Installer Mode” -> “Settings” -> “Call_Nbr”.

Outdoor station (IX610)

Door station IX610 could only bind with monitor, on the monitor (master):

Settings” -> “Ext.Unit” -> “Enter OS binding”, while monitor display “Binding, press OS button 10s”

Press and hold IX610 call button for 10s, each 5s, night view LED light up once. Release button with long beeps, monitor display “Binding OS succ” means it’s Call_Nbr has setup properly.

Door Station IX821

This door station could be only setup via onsite tool.

Refer “Onsite tool” to see how to find an online device by onsite tool

In onsite tool remote setup IX821, tap “Call_Nbr”

Scenarios in Call_Nbr

To simplify Call_Nbr setups, IX system Call_Nbr settings has 3 scenarios, each scenario with limit essential setups, scenarios are below:

·         VS Single family: for single detach house, or villa.

·         SS Standalone Building: for one building or block (different buildings but sharing with one gate) project.

·         NS Network complex: housing complex, multi buildings or blocks, sharing some public gates, while each building or block has its own door station.

Call_Nbr setup for VS

In VS scenario, BD_Nbr and RM_Nbr are fixed parameters*, which is not need to pay attention. only take care of MS_Nbr.

*BD_Nbr fixed to 0099, and RM_Nbr fixed to 0001

Call_Nbr settings

Monitor IX471S/IX47/IX482

In “Call_Nbr” menu, set Device_Addr to “(VS) Single Family” if it is not:

Tap “Device_Addr” -> tap “(VS) Single Family”.

MS_Nbr: if you have more than 1 monitor, rest monitor shall set up correct MS_Nbr. Such as 2nd monitor input 02.

Outdoor Station 610

By default, door station calling to address 0099 0001 without settings. Binding door station with the master monitor address in “(VS) Single Family”

Auto setup wizard

This setting is specially Call_Nbr setups in VS scenario, connected all device (new out of box), on any monitor (the one after wizard will be master)

Tap “Settings” -> “Ext.Unit” -> “Auto setup wizard”

this procedure will proceed all slave monitors and outdoor stations.

Call_Nbr setup for SS

In SS scenario, BD_Nbr is fixed parameters*, which is no need to pay attention.

*BD_Nbr = 0099 fixed in SS scenario

Call_Nbr settings

Monitor IX471S/IX47/IX482

In “Call_Nbr” menu, Set “Device_Addr “to “(SS) Standalone building” and input RM_Nbr.  After, address display as “SS(RM_Nbr)” like below:


Example: room 1 set RM_Nbr 0001, room 2 set RM_Nbr 0002, different room shall have different RM_Nbr.

MS_Nbr: if you have more than 1 monitor, rest monitor shall set up correct MS_Nbr. Such as 2nd monitor input 02.

Door station IX850

By default, IX850 works for SS scenario.

In “Call_Nbr” menu, setup “BD_Nbr” to “- “if it is not display in “- “:

Tap “BD_Nbr” and input “0099”, tap ok back the BD_Nbr will turns to “- “



DS_Nbr: this is MS_Nbr for door station IX850, if you have more than 1 door station IX850, rest door stations shall set up correct DS_Nbr. Such as 2nd door station input 02.

Outdoor station IX610

In SS scenario, IX610 works for only one room, bind with the master monitor in the room. Example: room 2 has one IX610, binding IX610 with master monitor RM_Nbr = 0002.

Door station IX821

By default, IX850 works for SS scenario, setup “BD_Nbr” to “0099” if it is not “0099”:

In remote onsite setting with the IX821, tap “Call_Nbr” and change to “0099”

Same as door station IX850, setup DS_Nbr in “Call_Nbr” (By onsite tool) if have more than 1 door stations.

Make a call in VS

On door station IX850

Input RM_Nbr to call

Select name in namelist to call

On door station IX821

By default, button from bottom to top correspond RM_Nbr from 0001 ~ 0024

On outdoor station IX610

Press call button will call to monitors binding before

Call_Nbr setup for NS

In NS scenario, we need to setup BD_Nbr for door stations and monitors.

Call_Nbr settings

Monitor IX471S/IX47/IX482

In “Call_Nbr” menu, set “Device_Addr “to “(NS) Network complex” and input 8digits integers, first 4 digits will be “BD_Nbr”, the last 4 will be “RM_Nbr”.  After, address display as “NS (BD_Nbr +RM_Nbr)” like below:

Example:  building 0002(BD_Nbr) in room 0003(RM_Nbr), the Device_Addr input is 00020003

MS_Nbr: if you have more than 1 monitor, rest monitor shall set up correct MS_Nbr. Such as 2nd monitor input 02.

Door station IX850

By default, IX850 works for SS scenario.

In “Call_Nbr” menu, setup “BD_Nbr”, tap “BD_Nbr” and input 4 digits “BD_Nbr”. Specially for CDS (common door stations), BD_Nbr = 0000

Example:  Door station in building 0002(BD_Nbr), the BD_Nbr input shall is 0002. Common door station*, the BD_Nbr input shall is 0000

DS_Nbr: If you have more than 1 door station IX850, rest door stations shall set up correct DS_Nbr. Such as 2nd door station input 02.

*Common door station: door station in public area could call to all monitors.

Outdoor station IX610

Bind with the master monitor in the room.

Door station IX821

By default, IX850 works for SS scenario, setup “BD_Nbr

In remote onsite setting with the IX821, tap “Call_Nbr” and change “BD_Nbr”

Same as door station IX850, setup DS_Nbr in “Call_Nbr” (By onsite tool) if have more than 1 door stations.

IX821 doesn’t support work as common door station

Make a call in NS

On door station IX850

Input RM_Nbr to call

Select name in namelist to call

On common door station IX850

Input BD_Nbr and RM_Nbr to call, such as “00020003”

Select name in namelist to call

How Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr works

Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr are extra calling number, and they aren’t essential configures. Unlike device address, Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr could be duplicate in the system.  Before configure these numbers, Device_Addr shall be setup correctly.

Setup Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr

On monitor IX471S/IX47/IX482, in “Call_Nbr”, fill in Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr

Call via Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr

On door station IX850 with same BD_Nbr (in same building), input Local_Nbr to call.

On common door station, input Global_Nbr to call.

Specially, unlike Device_Addr, calling via Global_Nbr and Local_Nbr, only the monitor/s with same numbers will responds the call, if the monitor/s has slave monitor, slave monitor won’t reply Global_Nbr or Local_Nbr if it is not the same.


Example: monitor IX471S as above picture, setting Device address in (NS) 00020003, give Global_Nbr as 2103 and Local_Nbr 103:

On door station BD_Nbr = 0002, input “0003” (RM_Nbr) or “103” (Local_Nbr) could call to this monitor.

On common door station, input “00020003” (BD_Nbr +RM_Nbr) or “2103” (Global_Nbr) could call to this monitor.

While if slave monitor/s exists, calling with RM_Nbr or BD_Nbr +RM_Nbr, slaves will also ring, calling with Local_Nbr or Global_Nbr, unless slaves have same setup, otherwise, they won’t ring.


Appendix 1

Chose your Call_Nbr

While planning a project, you should decide what Call_Nbr using in this system. Be aware, no matter which Call_Nbr using, Device_Addr setup is a must.

Below are recommend Call_Nbr,

·         SS (standalone building) project: use RM_Nbr as calling number

·         NS (Network complex) project: use RM_Nbr as calling number inside building, and Global_Nbr as calling number in common door station to shorten inputs.

There are special cases such as, group calling across different RM_Nbr, or calling a specific monitor but not other master or slave devices(unicast). In these cases, you could use Local_Nbr, or BD_Nbr +RM_Nbr +MS_Nbr.

Example: An office building, room 2 and room 6 are belongs to one company. We would like to call those room separately but also able to call both in same time.

Room 2 settings: Device_Addr = SS (2), Local_Nbr = 26.

Room 6 settings: Device_Addr = SS (6), Local_Nbr = 26.

On door station, input “2” or “6” could call separately to room 2 and room 6, while input “26”, both room 2 and room 6 replies.

Example: An office building, room 2 has 2 monitors, one is reception, another is logistics.

Room 2 reception settings:

Device_Addr = SS (2), MS_Nbr = 01 (Master), Local_Nbr = 201.

Room 2 logistics settings:

Device_Addr = SS (2), MS_Nbr = 02 (Slave), Local_Nbr = 202.

On door station, input “2” could call both monitors in room 2, while input “201”, to call reception, and input “202” to call logistics.


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