IX device update is also support offline update.
Copy firmware to SD card
Download and copy firmware to SD card, the file structure must as below, all firmware files must storage in folder “SdUpgrade” in the root directory of SD card
Firmware files as below:
Structure as below:
USB Drive (D:)/
9471xx.txt and 9471xx.zip usually for monitor update package.
9850xx.txt and 9850xx.zip usually for door station 850 update.
Update door station IX850
When door station in “Installer mode”, tap “Installer mode” -> “Settings” -> “Upgrade”, in “Server” select “SD card”
Tap “Check” and then “Install” to install the updates.
Update monitor IX471
On IX471, tap “Settings” -> “Installer” -> “Upgrade”, in “Server” select “SD card”
Tap “Check” and then “Install” to install the updates.